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Each December, Wreaths Across America coordinates wreath-laying ceremonies at more than 3,400 locations across the United States, at sea and abroad.

At Budd Van Lines, we are proud of our partnership with Wreaths Across America, but it is the commitment of our very own dynamic (married) duo of Kathy and Kevin Patrick that makes it as enjoyable as it is rewarding. 

We wanted to take a moment and catchup with the Patrick’s to learn more about this amazing endeavor and their participation in it. 

How long have you been involved with Wreaths Across America (WAA)? 

 This was our 7th time participating in Wreaths Across America, we started at Arlington National Cemetery and the past few years have been at Long Island National Cemetery.

What made you interested in this specific endeavor? 

Honestly, we were looking for service hours for our son who at the time was a Boy Scout and working towards his Eagle Scout and service hours are very important towards that goal. Once we did Wreaths Across America, we were hooked.

 When do you start coordination for the event?

Kevin Patrick

Typically, in January. We then we get very involved much closer to the event, but we start as early as possible to secure a spot.

  Can you tell us what Budd Van Lines (BVL) provides to WAA on the day of the event? 

BVL has generously provided trucks, trailers, and a driver. We also provide volunteers to help with the offloading and laying of the wreaths. Also, BVL takes most of the debris away from the cemetery. 

How many volunteers from BVL take part? 

It has grown so much over the years. Everyone who participates takes away something different, but everyone who has participated has said it was one of the most rewarding experiences they have ever had. 

What do you find most gratifying about the BVL and WAA partnership? 

The incredible bond you form as a team working side by side. It doesn’t matter what position you hold at BVL; we are all giving back. It is quite humbling. 

Kathy Patrick

What would you say the families of the fallen if you had an opportunity? 

I would thank them for their loved one’s ultimate sacrifice.

If you would like to donate to Wreath Across America, please visit www.wreathsacrossamerica.org.