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Moving is expensive. The costs of packing materials, moving services, new furniture, and moving insurance can pile up, creating a considerable dent in your bank account. The costs do not end here. After moving, you may also need to spend on purchasing new materials, furniture, or amenities for your new location. By saving money during the moving cost, you can spend the savings on purchasing new amenities and furniture for your new location. Read more to find out 6 tips for saving money on moving costs.

Get Moving Boxes for Free

You can find free moving boxes at retailers such as Walmart, Target, and CVS. These large retailers tend to have regular shipments of items, and these items need to be stored in strong and sturdy boxes. You may call up the store to ask its manager if there are any flattened boxes available, and if they do not, ask when the next shipment is so you can collect them. Similarly, you can search “free boxes” on Facebook Marketplace to connect with people who have recently moved and have boxes to give away for free.

Go to a Dollar Store

Apart from boxes, you may also need packing materials such as tapes, markers, and cleaning supplies. Since you may require large amounts of these items, you should purchase them at a dollar store to save money.

Garage Sale

Some items may be too large and would incur larger amounts of moving costs. For instance, large decoration pieces, old furniture, or an old TV. You may choose to sell these away to make some money. With the money from the sale and the money that you save from not moving them, you can invest in new furniture and household amenities.

Move During Off-Season

If you choose to engage in a moving service, try to avoid it during the months of May till August, as this is the peak period for moving companies. Companies tend to charge a higher price during this peak period. If you move from October till April, you will get a discounted rate.

Know Moving Companies’ Fees

Movers tend to charge for packing materials, fuel usage, carry charges, and handling charges. Having knowledge of these charges can help you to plan your budget, and decide which aspect is within your means to spend, and which aspect you might consider laying off. For instance,  perhaps you think that you do not require packing materials from the company. You should then make this clear to the moving service company.

Search for a Reputable Company

The last thing you want is to incur more costs by damaging your items due to improper handling. Do a simple google search on reputable moving companies and their respective testimonies by their clients. Budd Van Lines is a company that has a track record for our excellent handling of items. We also pioneered a novel system called Load It Once, that utilizes new technology and operations to improve efficiency and safety in moving. Contact Budd Van Lines today to ensure a smooth moving process!